Once a Data Set has been selected, you must scan or create the documents associated with that Data Set.
Once you have scanned or created a document in the Front Office Scanning client, you will not be able to exit the Front Office Scanning client, select a different configuration file, or upload documents until all documents and/or pages have been assigned to a Document Type or discarded.
You can create documents in the following ways:
Scanning a Document. A paper document, such a driver's license, insurance card, or physician's order, can be scanned to create an image document.
See Scanning a Document for more information.
Creating a Document from an Electronic Image. An electronic image available to the Front Office Scanning workstation to can be used create a new document.
See Creating a New Document by Importing an Image or PDF Document for more information.
Creating a Document from an Image Template. An electronic image can be marked up (e.g., a notification of privacy practices can be signed, a diagram of the body can be drawn on to indicate what area of the body hurts or is injured, etc.) to create a new image document.
See Creating a Document from an Image Template for more information.
Creating an E-Form Document. Keyword Values from the Data Set can be used to populate the fields on an E-Form.
See Creating an E-Form for more information.
Additional licensing is required to create E-Forms in the Front Office Scanning client.