Creating a Document from an Image Template - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

Documents can also be created by marking up an image (called an image template) inside of the Front Office Scanning client. When creating documents this way, you select the image template to be displayed (usually in the Working window) where you can add markups to the image, instead of clicking a Scan button to scan a paper document or importing an image file into the Front Office Scanning client.

In order to create documents from image templates, your Front Office Scanning client must be configured to use multiple input buttons instead of a single Scan button; these input buttons are displayed in the Store images as section of the Scan/Create Document window, next to the Document Type buttons.


The buttons in the Store images as: section are configured by your administrator; the buttons in your solution may be named or may be displayed differently.

Once you click the input button associated with the image template that will be used to create the document, an image is displayed that, depending on your configuration, you can markup as needed.


By default, the input button is named Template Form, although it is likely that your administrator has configured a different name for the button. Typically, the input button for an image template is displayed next to the Document Type button of the Document Type the document created from the image template will be assigned to.

Depending on your configuration, the image template may be displayed in a number of ways:

  • In the Front Office Scanning client's Working window, in Full Screen view.

  • On a TOPAZ clipboard device.


This is useful for documents, such as a Notification of Privacy Practices, that are displayed for a patient's acknowledgment/signature.

Additionally, once the image template is selected, it can be used in the following ways:

  • The image template can be marked up (e.g., notations can be added, the document can be signed, etc.) and assigned to a Document Type.

  • The image template can be assigned as-is to a Document Type. This process may be automatic or you may need to manually assign the document to a Document Type.

  • The image template is automatically printed.

    Depending on your configuration, once the image template is automatically printed:

    • It may be displayed in the Working window, where it can be discarded without any further action or it can be marked up and assigned to a Document Type.

    • It may automatically be discarded without any user interaction.

If you are using a multi-page image as an image template, your administrator can configure which page is displayed first.

To create a document from an image template:

  1. From the Front Office Scanning client, click the input button associated with the image template that you want to use to create the document.

    By default, the input button is named Template Form, although it is likely that your administrator has configured a different name for the button. Typically, the input button for an image template is displayed next to the Document Type button of the Document Type the document created from the image template will be assigned to. If you are unsure of which input button to select to create a document from an image template, contact your administrator.

  2. The next action depends on the design of your Front Office Scanning solution and its configuration:
    1. If the image template is configured to be stamped with an image captured with a webcam. Depending on your configuration, the Front Office Scanning client may take a still image with a webcam and automatically stamp the image on the document.
      Once the image has been taken and stamped onto the document, proceed to Step 2b.
    2. If the image template is configured to be marked up by the user. Depending on your configuration, the image template may have automatically been printed before it is displayed for markups. It is displayed either in the Front Office Scanning client or on a signature device (e.g., a tablet or a TOPAZ device).

      Once all markups have been added to the document, proceed to Step 3.

    3. If the image template does not require markups but must be manually assigned to a Document Type. Proceed to Step 3.
    4. If the image template does not require markups and is automatically assigned to a Document Type. No further user interaction is required for this document.
    5. If the image template is automatically printed and discarded. No further user interaction is required.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the currently displayed document:
    • Click Delete Page to delete the currently displayed page from the document.

    • Click Delete All to delete the current document. The currently selected Data Set remains selected.

  4. Assign the document displayed in the Working window to a Document Type by clicking its Document Type button.

    Some notes about assigning a document to a Document Type:

    • All required Keyword Types (i.e., those displayed in red in the Selected Data Set window) must have Keyword Values associated with them before the document can be assigned to a Document Type.

    • Required Document Types are displayed in red. Documents must be assigned to these Documents Types for the Data Set before documents can be uploaded to OnBase.

    • Depending on your configuration, you may be able to use only the Document Type button next to the corresponding input button that you used to create the document. For more information, contact your administrator.

    • Depending on your configuration, clicking the Document Type button might prompt you to select a Document Type from a drop-down list before the document can be uploaded to OnBase.

    • Depending on your configuration, once a document is assigned to a Document Type, an overlay image, a signature, and/or Keyword Values (or bar codes representing Keyword Values) may automatically be stamped on the document. For more information, contact your administrator.

  5. Once the document has been assigned to a Document Type, the document is cleared from the Working window, a check mark is displayed over the selected Document Type button, and the Document Type button is no longer enabled.

    If you are not satisfied with the currently displayed document, click Discard Images to deselect the selected Data Set and delete all documents associated with it that have not yet been uploaded to OnBase.

  6. Repeat these steps for each document you would like create from an image template into OnBase using the selected Data Set.

For example:

When registering a new patient in the Emergency Room, the registrar must have the patient sign several documents, including a notification of privacy practices and an acknowledgment of financial responsibility. These documents, once signed by the patient, are saved as part of the patient's record along with the scanned copies of the patient's driver's license and insurance card.

To quickly and easily capture the patient’s signature on these documents and archive the signed copies in OnBase, the notification of privacy practices and the acknowledgment of financial responsibility are saved as image templates available to the Front Office Scanning workstation.

Once the registrar has scanned both the patient’s driver’s license and insurance card and assigned them to the proper Document Type, he/she clicks the input button associated with the notification of privacy practices. The form is displayed for the patient to read and then acknowledge by signing. The registrar assigns the notification of privacy practices to its Document Type by clicking its associated Document Type button.

With the Data Set still selected, this process is repeated for the statement of financial responsibility.

Typically, once a document has been assigned to a Document Type for the selected Data Set, the Document Type button is no longer enabled. Depending on your configuration, however, after a new document is scanned, the Document Type may be re-enabled, allowing you to assign multiple documents to the same Document Type. The number of documents assigned to the Document Type for the selected Data Set is displayed in parenthesis on the Document Type button.

For example:

When registering a child as a patient in the Emergency Room, the registrar must have the parents of the child sign a waiver granting the hospital and its physicians permission to perform medical treatment on the child. This waiver is stored as an image template available to the Front Office Scanning workstation.

The registrar displays the waiver by clicking the input button associated with its image template and the child’s mother reads and acknowledges the waiver by signing it. The registrar then assigns the waiver to the MED - Parental Permission Waiver Document Type by clicking the its Document Type button.

The registrar clicks the input button associated with the waiver again, allowing the child’s father to read and acknowledge it. The MED - Parental Permission Waiver Document Type button is re-enabled, allowing the user to assign the waiver to the its Document Type.

Once the waiver signed by the child’s father has been assigned to the Document Type, the label on the MED - Parental Permission Waiver Document Type button is displayed as MMED - Parental Permission Waiver (2) to indicate that two documents have been assigned to that Document Type for the selected Data Set.