Scanning Documents Using Batch Scanning - Front Office Scanning - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Front Office Scanning

Front Office Scanning
Foundation 23.1

Although your configuration may allow you to upload documents to Document Imaging scan queues, the Front Office Scanning Batch Scanning feature operates independently from that upload feature. Documents that are uploaded to Document Imaging scan queues can be scanned using the default Front Office Scanning method or Batch Scanning.

Batch scanning allows you to scan all pages of all documents associated with the selected Data Set at once and then organize them into individual documents that are assigned to the proper Document Types as opposed to scanning an individual document, assigning it to its Document Type, scanning the next document, assigning it to its Document Type, etc.

To scan documents using Front Office Scanning Batch Scanning:

  1. Load the pages to be scanned into the scanner.
  2. Click the Scan button.
  3. Depending on your configuration, you may need to select the scanner to use. The Select Source dialog box is displayed.
    1. From the Source list, select the scanner to use.
    2. Click Select.

    To select a scanner at any time, click File | Select Scanner.

  4. The documents are scanned and electronic images of the pages are displayed in the Working window.
    • By default, the pages in the Working window are displayed in Thumbnail view. To display a larger thumbnail image of a page, hold the pointer over the thumbnail image.

    • To display the pages in Single Page view, turn off Thumbnail view by clicking View | Thumbnail or by pressing F11.

    • To display a larger view of the pages, click View | Full Screen or press F11.


      When working with a batch containing a large number of pages, it may be easier to work with the Front Office Scanning client in Full Screen view.

      If you are not satisfied with the currently selected page, click Rescan Page to delete it and rescan that page. To delete the currently selected page, click Delete Page.

  5. Select the appropriate page(s) that compose the first document. To select all pages, click Edit | Select All or press Ctrl+A.

    A page is selected when a white box surrounds the thumbnail image. To deselect a page, click it again.

    For example, If a Privacy Notice consists of three pages, select all three pages in the Working window to ensure that the entire document is assigned to the Document Type.


    The order of the thumbnails is dependent on the order in which the pages were scanned.

  6. Assign the selected document to a Document Type by clicking its Document Type button.

    Some notes about assigning a document to a Document Type:

    • All required Keyword Types (i.e., those displayed in red in the Selected Data Set window) must have Keyword Values associated with them before the document can be assigned to a Document Type.

    • Required Document Types are displayed in red. Documents must be assigned to these Documents Types for the Data Set before documents can be uploaded to OnBase.

    • Depending on your configuration, once a document is assigned to a Document Type, an overlay image, a signature, and/or Keyword Values (or bar codes representing Keyword Values) may automatically be stamped on the document. For more information, contact your administrator.

  7. Once the document has been assigned to a Document Type, the document is cleared from the Working window, a check mark is displayed over the selected Document Type button, and the Document Type button is no longer enabled.

    If you are not satisfied with all of the scanned pages, click Discard Images to deselect the selected Data Set and delete all pages associated with it that have not yet been uploaded to OnBase.

  8. Repeat Steps 5-7 for each document that was scanned.