Terms can be added to the custom thesaurus individually or bulk imported from a valid CSV file.
To bulk import terms, see Importing a Custom Thesaurus.
To add individual terms to the custom thesaurus:
- Launch the OnBase Configuration module.
- Select Full-Text Search from the Utils menu. The Full-Text Configuration Module dialog box is displayed.
- Click the Thesaurus tab. The thesaurus options are displayed.
If the custom thesaurus is not already enabled, click Enable Custom Thesaurus at the top of the thesaurus tab.
Click the green +(plus) button at the upper left of the list of terms.
The Add new term field is displayed.
Enter a new term in the Add new term field.
This is the primary term that the synonyms are added for and is a convenient way to group synonyms. When the term or any of the synonyms are used in a thesaurus search, results are returned for any of the configured synonyms or the term. For example, if car is the term and truck, automobile, and vehicle are the synonyms, when a thesaurus search is performed for automobile, results are returned for car, truck, automobile, and vehicle.
Note:Phrases are not supported as terms in the thesaurus. A term must be a single word.
- Click Ok. The term is added to the list of terms.
Click the green +(plus) at the far right of the term you added.
The Add new synonym field is displayed.
Enter a new synonym in the Add new synonym field.
This is a synonym that is also returned as a result when the primary term, or any of the other synonyms under that term, is searched for. For example, if car is the term and truck, automobile, and vehicle are the synonyms, when a thesaurus search is performed for automobile, results are returned for car, truck, automobile, and vehicle.
Note:Phrases are not supported as synonyms in the thesaurus. A synonym must be a single word.
- Add additional synonyms for the term by clicking the green +(plus) at the far right of the corresponding thesaurus term. You can only add one synonym at a time, but a term can contain as many synonyms as you need.
Click Save at the bottom of the Thesaurus tab to save your changes.
To undo any changes made since the last save, click Clear Changes.
- Restart the Hyland Full Text Server service for saved changes to take effect.
To remove or edit terms in the custom thesaurus, see Removing Terms and Synonyms in the Custom Thesaurus.
To export the terms in the custom thesaurus, see Exporting the Custom Thesaurus.