Excluding File Types From Full-Text Indexing Processes - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

File types can be excluded from indexing, meaning that documents with the excluded file types are not processed by full-text indexing and are not available for full-text searches.

The following behavior applies to excluded file types:

  • Setting excluded file types is day-forward. It does not remove existing documents from full-text catalogs.

  • Add and re-index processing actions are not performed on documents with excluded file types. However, documents with excluded file types can still be removed.

  • Documents with the excluded file types that were already indexed will still return results for full-text searches.

  • Documents with the excluded file types that were already indexed will still be processed, including add, remove, or re-index processes.

To exclude specific file types from indexing processes:

  1. Launch the OnBase Configuration module.
  2. Select Full-Text Search from the Utils menu. The Full-Text Configuration Module dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Catalogs tab. The Document Types available for indexing are listed.

    Filter the list of Document Types displayed by selecting the Document Type Group from the drop-down list below the list of Document Types.

  4. Click the drop-down list under Exclude File Types for the catalog.

    All file types available to OnBase are displayed in drop-down list.

  5. Select each file type to exclude. Documents with the excluded file types are no longer indexed into Full-Text Search catalogs.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the Catalogs tab to save your changes.
    To undo any changes made since the last save, click Clear Changes.
  7. Restart the Application Server and Hyland Full-Text Search servers for the changes to take effect.