Transitioning Autonomy IDOL Catalogs to Full-Text Search Catalogs - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

If this is the first time you have accessed Full-Text Search configuration and you have any Full-Text Indexing Server for Autonomy IDOL catalogs configured for use with OnBase, you are prompted to transition the Autonomy IDOL catalogs to Full-Text Search catalogs.

To transition Autonomy IDOL catalogs to Full-Text Search:

  1. Select the Document Types to transition.

    To filter the list by Document Type Group, select a Document Type Group from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box.

  2. Enter the path for the Full-Text Search catalog in the Please provide a path to store the catalog data field, or click the ... button at the right of the field to browse to a location.

    The path entered must be a UNC path accessible by all Full-Text Search and Application servers.

  3. Select Migrate IDOL Thesaurus to also update the Full-Text Search thesaurus with entries from the Autonomy IDOL thesaurus. This option is only available if an Autonomy IDOL thesaurus is found.
  4. Click a transition option:
    • Save and Migrate All to create the Full-Text Search catalogs and transition the documents in the selected Document Types

    • Save and Close to create the Full-Text Search catalogs but perform the transition later using the Process tab of the Full Text Configuration Module dialog box.