Creating an OCR Format - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

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Foundation 22.1

An OCR format defines the parameters of the character recognition process. OCR formats are assigned at the Document Type level. Multiple OCR formats can be configured for your OnBase solution, but only one OCR format can be assigned per Document Type.

To create an OCR format:

  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, click Document | OCR Formats. The OCR Format Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter a name for the OCR format that you are creating in the OCR Format field and click Create. The newly created format is displayed in the OCR Format list.
  3. Select the format from the OCR Format list and click Settings. The OCR Format dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the desired options and click Apply. For more information on the OCR format options, see the sections below.