Languages - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

Language options allow you to select the language you would like the OCR engine to consider when performing character recognition.

The Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese options are only available if you are licensed for Asian Language OCR. If you select any of these language options, it is highly recommended that you also select Unicode for the code page and a non- ASCII Text output format.

If you select any of these language options in conjunction with a non- Unicode code page, the following warning message is displayed:

Warning! For one or more of the language(s) selected, it is highly recommended to create Unicode text format files instead of ASCII format. Do you want to change text format to Unicode now?

Similarly, if you select any of these language options in conjunction with either of the ASCII Text output formats, the following warning message is displayed:

Warning! For one or more of the language(s) selected, it is highly recommended to use Unicode text encoding instead of multi-byte encoding. Do you want to change the text encoding to use Unicode now?

If either of the above messages is displayed, select one of the following options:

  • Click Yes to accept and apply the recommended change (i.e., changing the code page to Unicode and/or changing the selected output format to Unicode Text (Standard)).

  • Click No to disregard the recommended changes and retain your selections.

  • Click Cancel to return to the OCR Format dialog box without applying your selections.