Output format - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

Select the format to be used for the non-image rendition of the document that is created by the OCR process. The following are available:

Output Format

Additional Information

ASCII Text (Standard)

Non-formatted plain ASCII text

ASCII Text (Formatted)

Plain ASCII text with formatting preserved

PDF (Standard)

Normal Portable Document Format (PDF) document

PDF (Image with Searchable text)

Original image overlaid on text

PDF (Image Substitutes)

PDF includes embedded image snippets of text or image areas of the document that cannot be read by the OCR engine

HTML 3.2

HTML compliant 3.2

HTML 4.0

HTML compliant 4.0

Microsoft Word 2003 (DOC)

Microsoft Word 2007 format (.docx)


While the Microsoft Word 2003 (DOC) format is maintained for backward compatibility with previous versions of OnBase, it now renders the output in the Microsoft Word 2007 format (.docx).

Rich Text Format

Rich Text format

Microsoft Word 2007 (DOCX)

Microsoft Word 2007 format (.docx)

Unicode Text (Standard)

Non-formatted Unicode text (UTF-16 encoding)

Unicode Text (Formatted)

Unicode text with formatting preserved (UTF-16 encoding)


Encrypted PDFs are not supported for OCR processing.