Load Balancing - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

This module supports load balancing across multiple Web Servers and Application Servers. Load balancers must support either IP-based or cookie-based load balancing (also referred to as layer-3, layer-4, and layer-7 load balancing). Load balancers also must be configured to use persistent session (or sticky session) load balancing. For information about configuring your load balancer, refer to its documentation. For information about configuring OnBase modules for load balancing, refer to the Web Server module reference guide.

Full-Text Search supports load balancing across multiple Application Servers. Load balancers must support either IP-based or cookie-based load balancing (also referred to as layer-3, layer-4, and layer-7 load balancing).