Optimizing the Hyland Full-Text Server - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

In most cases the Hyland Full-Text Server automatically determines the best settings for the machine it is installed on. In some cases it may be necessary to change these settings to optimize performance.


Do not attempt to optimize these settings unless there is a specific issue you are trying to resolve. Changing these settings without specific performance optimizations in mind can adversely affect performance.

The optimization keys are available in the *.config file of the Hyland Full-Text Server. The *.config file is located with the server executable, which in a default installation is located at C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Full-Text Server\

To edit the *.config file:

  1. Locate the Hyland.FullText.Server.exe.config file of the Hyland Full-Text Server.
  2. Open the *.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.

    The *.config file should only be edited in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad, or a utility specifically designed to edit XML files. It should not be edited in a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word. Using a binary editor can introduce invalid characters to the file and make it unreadable by the software.

  3. Locate the key to update under the appSettings element and change the value of its value attribute. If the key is not available, add it as a child of the appSettings element.

    Key and Description


    <add key="fullTextBackfileTimeout" value="" />

    Sets the amount of time to spend processing backfile documents before re-polling for day-forward documents. When the timeout is reached, if any day-forward documents are available, those documents are indexed first before backfile processing continues.

    Set the value to any decimal representing hundreths of an hour. For example, 0.25 is 15 minutes and 0.01 is 36 seconds. The default setting is 1.00(one hour).

    <add key="maxOCRWorkers" value="" />

    Sets a maximum number of OCR worker processes to run. The Hyland Full-Text Server dynamically determines how many worker processes to run, up to the maximum value, based on the number of documents to OCR.

    Set the value to a whole number representing the maximum number of OCR worker processors to run. The default value is the same as the number of logical CPUs on the server.

    <add key="OCREnginePath" value="" />

    Sets the path to the OCR Engine.

    Set the value to the path of the OCR Engine. The default value is C:\Program Files\Hyland\OCR

    <add key="parallelIndexProcessing" value="" />

    Sets a maximum number of full-text catalogs that can be processed concurrently.

    Set the value to a whole number representing the maximum number of full-text catalogs to process. The default value is the same as the number of logical CPUs on the server.

    <add key="pollingInterval" value="" />

    Sets how often the full-text server checks the OnBase database for work to process.

    Set the value to a whole number representing how many minutes to wait between polling intervals. The minimum value is 5.


    Polling the database too frequently can negatively impact the overall performance of OnBase.

    <add key="workProcessorConcurrency" value="" />

    Sets the maximum number of documents that can be processed concurrently for each catalog (see the parallelIndexProcessing key for the number of catalogs).

    Set the value to a whole number representing the maximum number of documents to process concurrently. The default value is the same as the number of logical CPUs on the server multiplied by 0.75.

    <add key="preferBackfile" value="" />

    Sets the prioritization of work on either backfile documents or day-forward documents.

    Set the value to either true or false. Setting the value to true prioritizes backfile work over day-forward work. Setting the value to false prioritizes day-forward work over backfile work. The default value is false.

  4. Save and close the *.config file.
  5. Restart the Hyland Full-Text Server for the changes to take effect.