Enabling Logging For the Application Server - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

To assist in troubleshooting issues with the Full-Text Search you can enable logging for the OnBase Application Server to the trace tab of the OnBase Diagnostics Console. To enable logging, you must update keys in the web.config file of the OnBase Application Server.


For details on using the Diagnostics Console, see the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console module reference guide.

To edit the web.config file:

  1. Locate the web.config file of the OnBase Application Server. In a default installation, this is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer
  2. Open the web.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.

    The *.config file should only be edited in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad, or a utility specifically designed to edit XML files. It should not be edited in a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word. Using a binary editor can introduce invalid characters to the file and make it unreadable by the software.

  3. Locate the logPerformance key under the appSettings element. If this key is not available, you must add it as a child of the appSettings element:
    <add key="logPerformance" value="true" />
  4. Make sure the value of the value attribute is true. Set it to false to disable logging.
  5. Locate the trace-profile log element:
    <Log name="trace-profile" enableMailSlot="true" />
  6. Make sure the value of the enableMailSlot attribute is true.
  7. Save and close the web.config file.
  8. Refresh the cache of the Application Server for the changes to take effect.