Conduct a Full-Text Search - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

Searches are performed by entering the word or phrase to find in the search field. Searches can be limited by Document Types or Document Type Groups, document date, and Keyword Type values. Searches also support the use of wildcards and allow Exact Phrase, Soundex, Fuzzy, and Near searches (see Complex Searches).


Searches are only performed if the word entered is three or more characters long. Searches that contain the following special characters may not return the expected results: ' ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - = + [ ]{ } \ | ; : ' ” , . < > /. These special characters should be left out of the search unless performing a complex search (special characters used to construct a valid Exact Phrase, Soundex, Fuzzy, or Near search are still respected).