Searching in the Web Client - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

To conduct a full-text search in the Web Client:

  1. Open Document Retrieval by selecting Document Retrieval from the drop-down list under the Document context.
  2. Enter the term to search for in the Full-Text Search field at the bottom of the left pane.

    When you click in this field the words Full-Text Search are replaced with an empty field. If Full-Text Search is not correctly configured or is otherwise unavailable this field is not available.

  3. You can limit the search in any or all of the following ways:
    • Select a specific Document Type Group and/or Document Types to include in the search. Searches can also be limited to Note information on the documents searched.

    • Enter a date range. See, Specify Date Range Criteria.

    • If a single Document Type is being searched, you can also limit the search to those documents with the Keyword Type values entered. See, Specify Keyword Value Search Criteria.

    • Format the full-text search terms entered to perform complex searches. See, Complex Searches.

    If no limitations are entered, all documents in the Full-Text Search catalog are searched.

  4. Click the Find icon in the bottom of the left pane:
  5. The search results are displayed in the upper right pane.
    If no results are found, 0 results for... is displayed in the title bar of the upper right pane. Try the search again using different search criteria, such as expanding a date range or using wildcards.
  6. See Full-Text Search Results for details on working with the results.