Comparative Operators - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

Relational (comparative) operators allow you to retrieve documents based on a range of Keyword Values, as well as exact Keyword Value matches. Select the Document Type Group and Document Type of the document you want to search for. Click the relational operator button to the left of the Keyword Type field to toggle through the available operators.


Depending on the configuration of your solution, relational operators may be unavailable. If no operators are available, then you must enter the exact Keyword Value you want to retrieve. To broaden your search, you can include wildcard characters (* and ?) in your search criteria.

Blank Keyword Values on a document are not compared to the Keyword Values provided during document retrieval. If you use the <> operator to omit all documents indexed with a specified value, the search will not return documents that were indexed with a blank value. Some documents indexed with Keyword Type Groups may be returned, depending on the Keyword Type Group's configuration.

The following operators may be available to search for:




An exact Keyword Value match.


Keyword Values that are not equal to the specified value.


Keyword Values that are greater than the specified value.


Keyword Values that are greater than or equal to the specified value.


Keyword Values that are less than the specified value.


Keyword Values that are less than or equal to the specified value.


The string literal operator used with alphanumeric Keyword Types. Selecting this button will match the literal string. If a wildcard is used in the string, the search will look for the exact match including the wildcard.


Available operators vary depending on the Keyword Type. For example, only the =, <>, and " operators are available for alphanumeric Keyword Types.