Renditions and Revisions - Full-Text Search - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Full-Text Search

Full-Text Search
Foundation 22.1

Full-Text Search opens the version that scored highest for relevance for each document that is found and may produce the following unexpected behavior in regard to renditions and revisions:

  • The rendition that is opened for viewing may not be the latest rendition of the document.

  • The rendition that is opened for viewing may not be the default rendition type for the Document Type.

  • The revision that is opened for viewing may not be the latest revision of the document.

  • Only versions of the document the user running the search can view are returned in the search results list.

To select a different rendition or revision, select Revisions/Renditions from the right-click menu for an item in the search results list. The items that are presented in bold text or are highlighted contain the matching full-text search. If an entry with matches is double clicked, that rendition or revision of the document is displayed in the Full-Text Search document viewer with the search results highlighted, unless the rendition opened does not normally support highlighting.