Gateway Installation - Gateway Caching Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Gateway Caching Server

Gateway Caching Server
Foundation 23.1

Use the Gateway Caching Server installer to install a gateway at each remote location where documents need to be cached.

  1. Double-click setup.exe from your installation files. The Hyland Gateway Caching Server Setup Wizard is displayed.
  2. Click Next. The Destination Folder screen is displayed.
  3. Enter the directory where the Gateway Caching Server should be installed. To browse to the directory, click Change.

    If you click Change, the Change destination folder screen is displayed. Enter a Folder name in the field provided, or select it from the Look in drop-down. Then, click OK.

    If the Destination Folder is not changed, the default location is used (e.g., C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\GatewayCachingServer\).

  4. Click Next. The Data Source page is displayed.
  5. Enter the name of a valid connection string in the field.
  6. Click Next. The IIS Settings screen is displayed.
  7. Select the IIS settings you want to enable.



    Use identity impersonation to run the IIS worker process

    Select to use identity impersonation to run your Gateway Caching Server. If this option is not selected, then the Gateway Caching Server runs under the Network Service account.

    Enable TLS

    Select to run the Gateway Caching Server using an HTTPS connection. If this option is selected, you must ensure the server is correctly configured for HTTPS connections.


    An HTTPS connection is required, even though you have the ability to disable this option. The Gateway Caching Server must be configured to use HTTPS connections.

    Use NT/LDAP Authentication

    Select to enable Active Directory or LDAP authentication.

    If you select Use identity impersonation to run the IIS worker process:

    • In the User Name field, enter the domain and user name to use to run the IIS worker process for your server. This must be entered in the domain\username format.

    • In the Password field, enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that corresponds to the user name provided. This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.

    The impersonation account is granted modify rights to the installation directory (e.g., GatewayCachingServer) and its sub-directories. The cache path inherits its permissions from the folder where it is created.


    The installer does not add modify rights for any other groups. If impersonation is not used, ensure the account the Gateway Caching Server is running under has modify rights to the installation and cache directories. If modify rights are not granted, you may experience permissions errors in modules attempting to modify files on the server.

  8. Click Next. The OnBase Service Account screen is displayed.
  9. Enter and confirm the credentials for the OnBase Service Account that the Gateway Caching Server will use.
    • In the User Name field, enter the Service Account's OnBase user name.

    • In the Password field, enter the Service Account's password.

    • In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the Service Account's password. This is used to ensure that the password is typed correctly.

  10. Click Next. The Gateway Caching Server Settings screen is displayed.
  11. Enter the Gateway Name as it is displayed in OnBase Configuration. For information about configuring gateways, see Creating a Gateway.
  12. Enter the Cache Path(the location where this Gateway Caching Server will cache documents).
    • For example: C:\ClevelandGateway\Cache\ or \\server-1\ClevelandGateway\Cache

    • For load-balanced deployments, this location should be a UNC path shared by each load-balanced Gateway Caching Server.

    • To browse to the directory, click Change. Enter a Folder name in the field provided, or select it from the Look in drop-down. Then, click OK.

  13. Click Next. Additional settings are displayed.
  14. Select the Web site where the Gateway Caching Server should be installed. The Web Site list is populated with the Web sites configured in IIS and available to the target machine.
  15. Enter a name for the Gateway Caching Server application.
  16. Click Next. The Application Server URL screen is displayed.
  17. Enter the URL to the Application Server's Service.asmx page.
  18. Click Next. The installer is now ready to install the Gateway Caching Server.
  19. Click Install.
  20. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

    A common practice after installation of server applications may be to test navigation to the application's Service page to verify a correct installation (e.g., http://localhost/GatewayCachingServer/Service.asmx). Navigating to this page for the Gateway Caching Server will display an error: Root element is missing. However, this is intended behavior based on the functionality of the Gateway Caching Server.