Export Destination Configuration - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

You must configure Destination Parameters when configuring OnBase to send outbound HL7 message. HL7 messages sent by OnBase also use MLLP formatting. This behavior is not configurable. Ensure your export destinations are able to receive and process messages using MLLP.

  1. From OnBase Configuration, select Medical | HL7 | Export Destination. The HL7 Export Destination Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Type a name for the HL7 destination in the field provided.
  3. Click Create. The HL7 Destination Settings dialog box is displayed.
  4. Type the Destination Network Address. This value can be either the destination's IP address or host name.

    The Destination Network Address field is limited to 32 characters.

  5. Type the Destination Port Number. You can create multiple export destinations using the same IP address and different port numbers.
  6. If the HL7 Auto-Sender will be used to send messages, complete the following Auto-Sender Settings:

    Auto-Sender Setting


    Require Connection Security Policy

    Since TLS is the recommended approach and a security best practice, this check box is selected by default when creating new destinations. However, you must opt out of the requirement if using plain text connections.

    Note: The Require Connection Security Policy setting should not be enabled until:
    • A Connection Security Policy has been configured.
    • The certificate(s) for the Connection Security Policy have been correctly installed and configured on the appropriate servers/endpoints.
    • The sending system or export destination must be properly configured for TLS.
    • The Connection Security Policy must be specified via the -HL7POLICY switch.
    • Hosted customers should contact their first line of support prior to enabling this setting.

    Log message text to file

    Select this option to have the Auto-Sender write sent messages and their corresponding ACK messages to a log file.

    In the field provided, type the full UNC path (including file name) to the file for storing message text.

    For more information, see Logging Sent Messages to File.

    Log messages to OnBase Documents

    Select this option to have the Auto-Sender archive each sent message as a text document in OnBase. These documents allow original message contents to be accessed through the OnBase Client's Outbound Message Log.

    From the Document Type drop-down, select the OnBase Document Type where messages should be archived. Only users with sufficient Document Type privileges will be able to view these documents from the Outbound Message Log.

    For more information, see Storing Sent Messages as OnBase Documents.

    Report failed sends to

    Select the OnBase user who should receive a notification when the Auto-Sender cannot send a message successfully.

    The selected user must have an email address configured in User Settings, and the Hyland Distribution Service must be installed and configured.

    For more information about this feature, see Failed Message Notifications.

    Retry failed sends after

    Type the number of minutes that should elapse before the Auto-Sender attempts to send failed messages.

    • Any value greater than 0 minutes turns the feature on.

    • To turn the feature off, set this value to 0.

    For more information, see Automatically Re-Queue Messages.


    This option tells the Auto-Sender to find and send every previously sent HL7 message that has a status of Failed. This behavior can cause problems if the failed messages have already been addressed outside of OnBase. Before enabling this feature, use the OnBase HL7 Event Log to find and address any HL7 messages with a status of Failed.

  7. Click Save.