Storing Sent Messages as OnBase Documents - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

If the Log messages to OnBase Documents setting is enabled for an export destination, the HL7 Auto-Sender can store messages sent to that destination as text documents in OnBase. The contents of the stored messages are available in the OnBase Client's Outbound Message Log.

Use this feature to maintain accurate records of previously sent messages. Although the HL7 Event Log can regenerate sent HL7 messages, a regenerated message may not exactly match the original:

  • A regenerated message uses the trigger document's current Keyword Values, which may have changed since the original message was sent.

  • A regenerated message uses the message template's current configuration, but the configuration may have changed since the original message was sent.

Because message documents may contain sensitive patient information, ensure privileges are appropriately restricted. To access the messages using the Outbound Message Log, an administrator needs the following:

  • The HL7 Event Log log privilege

  • Privileges to the Document Type configured to store outbound messages