Configuring an Import Process - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

HL7 import processes are configured in OnBase Configuration. Each import process is associated with an HL7 message type (for example, ADT^A01) and one message action. Before you begin, be sure to configure any Document Types, AutoFill Keyword Sets, or other items that will be used by the import process.


Once you have configured and saved an import process, do not change the message action assigned to it. Instead, delete the existing import process and configure a new one using a different message action. See Deleting an HL7 Import Process.

To configure an import process:

  1. Select Medical | HL7 | Import Processors. The HL7 Import Processors dialog box is displayed.

    You can sort items in each column by clicking the heading for the column. You can also select one process group at a time.

  2. Click Create. The HL7 Import Processor Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Type a name for the process in the Name field. Ensure that the name is descriptive of the action it represents.

    For example, if you create an import process that uses ADT^A01 Patient admit/visit messages to create E-Forms from General Hospital, you may want to name it General Hospital ADT^A01 Patient admit/visit E-Forms.


    To provide a description for the import process, see Adding a Description to an Import Process after you configure the import process settings.

  4. Select a processor group from the Processor Group drop-down list. If you have not created any processor groups (see Configuring Import Processor Groups), select the Default group.
  5. Select the Message Template to which you want to assign the import process.
  6. To view items mapped to the message template, click View Mappings. The Assigned Mappings dialog box displays the message fields and their assigned Keyword Types, Data Fields, and more.
  7. To view or modify the message template's configuration, click Edit Template. The HL7 Segments Assigned dialog box allows you to modify the message template's assigned segments and field mappings. For information about message template configuration, see Configuring Message Templates.
  8. From the Filters section, select one of the following options:
    • Always Execute. Select this option to force the execution of an unfiltered import process. This option is enabled only if the Message Type uses Filter Fields option is not selected, and if the Sending Application and Sending Facility fields are empty. Once this option is select, all other options in the Filters section are disabled.

    • Executed as Unfiltered Processor. This is the default option. When filtered and unfiltered processes of the same message action are both assigned to the same Message Type, the unfiltered processes will not be executed if a filtered process can be executed using that message action.

    • Message Type uses Filter Fields. If the message template is configured with Filter Fields, this check box is automatically selected. For more information about configuring a message template with Filter Fields, see Configuring HL7 Filter Fields.

  9. To execute this import process only for messages sent from a specific application or facility, type the text string of the sending application in the Sending Application field, or the sending facility in the Sending Facility field. Setting a filter limits the import process to messages that came from the specified sending applications or facilities.

    If the value of the Sending Application or Sending Facility message field needs to be translated before it is compared to the filter entered here, you must select the Filtering option in the HL7 Field Settings dialog box when assigning a translation table to the appropriate field.

    To filter by multiple values, separate each value with a semicolon. For example, if app1;app2 is specified in the Sending Application field, then the import process is executed for messages from either app1 or app2.

  10. To make this import process inactive, select the Disabled check box. Clear the check box to make the HL7 import process active.
    In the HL7 Import Processors dialog box, the Active column next to the process's name indicates whether the process is active. For more information about disabling import processes, see Disabling an HL7 Import Process.
  11. Select a Message Action. Available message actions vary depending on system licensing.
  12. Configure the options for the message action. See Overview.
  13. Click Save when finished.

    If an error or warning is displayed when you click Save, then the process may have a configuration issue. For more information, look up the error message under Additional Troubleshooting for HL7 Errors & Issues.