Merge Item Configuration - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

Configure the Merge Item as described in the following procedure.


These steps only outline the settings required for HL7 Merge Items to work correctly. For more detailed steps and descriptions, see the System Administration module reference guide or the Configuration module help file.

  1. Create a Merge Item in OnBase Configuration under Document | Document Merge Items.
    1. When prompted, select HL7 Document Merge Item as the Type.
    2. Under Overlay, select the image template to use for new documents. The template must be stored in the SYS Overlay Images Document Type.
      On multi-page templates, message data will be burned onto the first page only.
    3. Select a Font.
    4. Click Save.
  2. Specify the information to be displayed on the documents.
    1. Select the Merge Item and click Keys.
    2. Add the Keyword Types or Special Types of data to be displayed on documents.

      The selected Keyword Types must be mapped to fields in the HL7 message template you are using to create documents from Merge Items. To map HL7 message fields to Keyword Types, see Configuring Message Templates.

      Only one instance of a Keyword Value can be applied to a document via a Merge Item.

    3. For each selected Keyword Type, specify the position, height, and width of the data.
      If the length of the Keyword Value is too long for the specified text area, the Keyword Value is truncated to fit in the area.
    4. Select Place As Bar Code to display the Keyword Value as a 3 of 9 bar code.
      The Height and Width values are discarded when Place As Bar Code is selected.
    5. When finished, click Save to close the Merge Key Settings and the Merge Item Keys Configuration.
  3. Assign the Merge Item to the Document Type for new documents.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Document | Document Types.
    2. Select the Document Type and click Merge.
    3. Add the Merge Item you created.
      Close the Merge Item Settings that are automatically displayed. These settings apply to Front Office Scanning Merge Items, not HL7 Merge Items.
    4. Ensure the Keyword Types configured for the Merge Item are also assigned to the Document Type.