Chart Data Field Requirements - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

Ensure the following chart data fields are mapped to HL7 message fields. The fields do not need to be mapped to Keyword Types for the message action to work.

Chart Data Field


Chart ID #

The identification number assigned to the chart.

This field may also be called Account #, Encounter #, Visit #, or another term preferred by your organization.

Dictation Defic. - External Doc ID

The external document identifier assigned to the transcription in the third-party system. This value must be unique. Conflicts can occur if two external systems are using overlapping external IDs.

Dictation Defic. - Physician ID

The Physician Number of the physician assigned to the deficiency.

Dictation Defic. - Procedure Date

The date of the procedure. This field is not required if the Import Process is configured to Ignore Procedure Date for Matching. See Options for External Transcription Processing for more information.

Dictation Defic. - Sign Phys ID

The Physician Number of the signer.

This field is required only if deficiencies may be completed by a secondary signer or by a physician other than the one who dictated the transcription. If no signing physician is provided in the message, then the physician specified in the Dictation Defic. - Physician ID field will be the signer.

Dictation Defic. - Status

The transcription's status. For more information, see Completion Status Codes for Transcription Deficiencies.