Applying Confidentiality Codes Automatically - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

Confidentiality codes can be automatically applied to patient records and charts by the following OnBase HL7 import processes:

  • Medical Records Chart

  • Patient Record Processor

When either message action receives an HL7 message containing a confidentiality code in a designated field, it will apply the code to the MPI or chart specified in the message. If the code does not yet exist in OnBase, it will be created. To allow patient- and chart-level confidentiality codes to be automatically applied, do the following:

  1. Assign either the Patient Confidentiality Code or Chart Confidentiality Code as a chart field override to the appropriate HL7 field in the message template.

    If the message template uses a processing code, the confidentiality code must be assigned to a field using a chart field override in the same segment.

  2. Configure one or both of the following HL7 import message actions to process messages containing confidentiality code information:
    • Medical Records Chart (Medical Records Chart Processor can assign Patient Confidentiality Codes and Chart Confidentiality codes)

    • Patient Record Processor (Patient Record Processor can only assign Patient Confidentiality Codes)

  3. Ensure HL7 messages provide the confidentiality code in the field you mapped to the Confidentiality Code chart data field using chart field override. Values should be provided in one of the following formats:

    Confidentiality Code^Description^Assigning Authority

    Confidentiality Code^Description

    For example, if the following value is provided in the confidentiality code field, the patient will be assigned the R confidentiality code. If the R confidentiality code does not already exist in OnBase, it will be created with a description of RESTRICTED and an assigning authority of EMRAPP.