The Search/Result Columns dialog box is displayed automatically when you add a new reverse lookup item. It lets you configure lookup properties for each Keyword Type that is mapped to a chart data field.
This dialog box lists Keyword Types that were mapped to chart data fields when the Configuration module was launched. If you map a Keyword Type to a chart data field during your current Configuration session, then you must restart Configuration in order for the new mapping to be reflected.
To access Search/Result Columns from the Reverse Autofill Keyword Set Lookup dialog box, first select the reverse lookup item. Then, click the Search/Result Columns button.
To resize the Search/Result Columns dialog box, click and drag the edge or corner handles. The next time you open this dialog box, it is displayed at this size.
Four properties can be configured per Keyword Type: Search Keyword, Result Keyword, Column Width, and Name Search. Each property is described in the following table.
Column |
Description |
Search Keyword |
Indicates whether users can use this Keyword Type to search for the AutoFill Keyword Set when indexing documents. |
Result Keyword |
Indicates whether the values for the Keyword Type are displayed in a column in the results list. |
Column Width |
Displays the Keyword Type's column width in the results list. This measurement is in pixels. |
To configure search/result column properties for a reverse lookup item, follow these steps: