Rules for Automatically Attaching Documents to Charts - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

Chart data fields in the OnBase Configuration module can be configured to automatically assign documents to patient records and charts upon import or re-index. The following rules apply to this function.


Depending on your Medical System Settings, documents may need to be processed through OnBase Workflow before they are attached to patient records or charts. Attachment options can also be configured at the process level for individual DIP processes.

  1. Documents must belong to a medical record Document Type Group.
  2. To be attached to a patient record, the document must be indexed with a valid MPI or MRN.
    • If the document is indexed with an MPI or MRN that does not match an existing MPI or MRN, the document will be logged as an orphan document.

    • If the MPI and MRN belong to different patients, the document will be logged as an orphan document.

    • If the document is attached to a chart, but the chart has a different MPI or MRN, the document will be logged as an orphan document.

  3. If a document belongs to a chart Document Type, it must be indexed with the Keyword Types mapped to the Chart ID # and MPI chart data fields

    The name of the Chart ID #, MPI, or MRN fields may vary depending on your system's chart data field configuration.

  4. If a document belongs to a chart-optional Document Type, chart attachment is contingent on the Chart ID # field.
    • If the Chart ID # is populated on the document, OnBase checks the Keyword Types configured to automatically match documents to charts. If a single matching chart is found, the chart-optional document is attached to the chart. If a single matching chart is not found, the chart-optional document is sent to Chartless Documents.

    • If the Chart ID # is blank, the chart-optional document is not attached to a chart or sent to Chartless Documents.

  5. Chart documents can be automatically assigned to charts that are active, inactive, or closed.
  6. There can only be one matching chart available. If there is no chart available, or if more than one chart with an active, inactive, or closed status is available, the document will automatically be considered a Chartless Document and will have to be manually assigned to a chart.
  7. If a document's chart has not yet been created, the document is sent to Chartless Documents. For information about resolving chartless documents, see Assigning Chartless Documents to Charts.