Chart Fields Are Mapped Incorrectly - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

If OnBase cannot create a chart due to missing identifiers, then the HL7 message does not contain values in the locations where OnBase expects them. Use the following steps to determine where OnBase is looking for chart identifiers and how to resolve the issue.

  1. Check whether chart identifiers are assigned to the HL7 import process as overrides on the message template.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Medical | HL7 | Import Process.
    2. Select the import process that generated the error.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Under Message Type Information, click View Mappings.
    5. In the Data Field column, take note of any fields where the following chart data fields are mapped as overrides: MPI, MRN, and Chart ID.
    6. Click OK.
  2. If the MPI, MRN, or Chart ID field is not assigned as an override on the HL7 message template, check the field's chart data field configuration.
    1. Select Medical | Charts | Data Fields.
    2. Select the field that is not assigned as an override on the HL7 message template.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Note the HL7 Reference Field value.
    5. Repeat for any remaining fields (MPI, MRN, or Chart ID) that are not assigned as an override on the HL7 message template.
  3. In the failed message, check whether the message is missing values in any of the fields where the MPI, MRN, or Chart ID is expected.
  4. In the sending application, check where the MPI, MRN, and Chart ID are configured for outbound messages.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If the sending application is configured incorrectly, update it to place the patient and chart identifiers in the fields where OnBase expects them. To create new charts in OnBase, the sending application must provide the MPI, MRN, and Chart ID.

    • If OnBase needs to respect the sending application's configuration, use chart field overrides to configure the message template to look for the values in the appropriate fields.


    If you reconfigure OnBase, consider whether the message template is used for other sending applications. You may need to first copy the message template and the PID segment to accommodate the sending application's unique configuration. Once the copied message template is configured, create a new import process using the copied message template, and configure a filter in the import process's Sending Application field.