Disk Group Is Offline - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

If a document fails to be created, it may be because the active Disk Group is offline. Use the following steps to identify and resolve this issue.

  1. Identify the HL7 import process that encountered the failure.
  2. In OnBase Configuration, view the import process's configuration to determine the assigned Document Type.
    Depending on the import process, you may have to check the process's Document Type mapping to identify the Document Type.
  3. Identify the Disk Group associated with the Document Type.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Document | Document Types.
    2. Select the Document Type you identified in the previous step.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Take note of the Disk Group selected in the Default Disk Group field.
  4. Open the configuration information for the latest volume of the Disk Group.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Disk Mgmt | Disk Groups.
    2. Select the Disk Group you identified in the previous step.
    3. Click Volume Information.
    4. When OnBase displays a warning stating that the Disk Group will be locked, ensure the system is in a state where you can lock the Disk Group. For example, no users or processes should be importing documents into the Disk Group while it is locked. Then, click OK. (The warning is displayed in OnBase versions 6.2 and later.)
    5. Select the latest volume from the Volume list.
  5. Verify the volume information is correct.
    1. Verify the path is valid.
    2. Ensure the Created option is selected under Platter State.
    3. Select the volume and click Apply. This action validates the volume path and ensures that the OnBase.ID file is present and can be read. If this action succeeds, then the issue is probably caused by insufficient permissions.