Primary Value in AutoFill Keyword Set Cannot Be Found - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

If an AutoFill Keyword Set fails to be created, it may be because a value for the primary Keyword Type could not be found. Use the following steps to identify and resolve issues with the primary Keyword Value in an AutoFill Keyword Set.

  1. Identify the AutoFill Keyword Set that the HL7 import process is configured to create.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Medical | HL7 | Import Process.
    2. Select the import process that generated the error.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Take note of the AutoFill Keyword Set under Options.
  2. Identify the primary Keyword Type in the AutoFill Keyword Set.
    1. In the HL7 Process Settings, dialog box, click View/Edit Autofill Keyset.
    2. Click Keywords to view the assigned Keyword Types.
    3. Note the primary Keyword Type, which is listed first in the Selected list.
    4. Click Cancel.
    5. Click Close.
  3. Identify the field mapped to the primary Keyword Type in the HL7 Message Template.
    1. Click View Mappings in the HL7 Process Settings dialog box.
    2. Take note of the HL7 field mapped to the primary Keyword Type.
  4. In hl7failedmessages.txt, check the field mapped to the primary Keyword Value.
    • If the field is empty, then either a primary value was not sent, or the primary Keyword Type is mapped to the wrong field. The mapping can be corrected in OnBase Configuration under Medical | HL7 | Message Template. (Restart the HL7 Listener after making any template changes.)

    • If the field contains a valid value, continue to the next step.

  5. Check whether the field is assigned a translation table.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Medical | HL7 | Import Process.
    2. Select the import process, and then click Settings.
    3. Click the View/Edit Template button.
    4. Select the segment containing the field, and then click Fields.
    5. Select the field mapped to the primary Keyword Type, and then click Settings.
    6. Check the Translation Table setting. If the Receiving option is selected, then a translation table is being used to translate inbound message values.
    7. Verify that the translation table correctly maps the HL7 message value to a valid Keyword Value for OnBase.
      See Translation Tables for information about how translation tables map HL7 message values to OnBase Keyword Values.
  6. Check whether another HL7 import process is configured to run a VBScript as a preprocessor for message values.
    1. In OnBase Configuration, select Medical | HL7 | Import Process.
    2. In the list of import processes, check for other import processes configured to run for the failed message's message type.
    3. For the messages noted in step 6, check whether any are configured with the Execute VBScript message action.
    4. Select the import process noted in step 6, and click Settings.
    5. Take note of the VBScript selected under Options.
    6. Contact the script's author or another qualified individual to determine whether the script could be responsible for either modifying the Keyword value or moving it from its original location.
    7. Correct the script, if necessary.