Find Patient Records - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

In order to view and manage patient records in Patient Administration, you must first search for the relevant records.

To find patient records:

  1. From the OnBase client, select Medical | Patient Record Administration. The Patient Administration window is displayed.
  2. Click the Find Patient Records button.

    The Patient Administration Search dialog box is displayed.

  3. Use the Search Context drop-down list to select the type of record you want to search for. The selected context changes the available Search Parameters and columns in the results list. The available contexts are Patient, Medical Record, and Chart. If you have the appropriate privileges, you may have access to the Invalid Records context.
  4. When a search has been performed, you can select multiple records from the grid (use either Ctrl or Shift to select several records), and click View Results.
  5. Enter a value in at least one field in the Search Parameters section to search for the relevant record. The available search fields vary depending on the selected Search Context.
  6. Click the Search button to list the patient, records, or charts which meet the specified parameters.
  7. Double-click an item from the list to close the Patient Administration Search dialog box and add the selected item to the Results list in the Patient Administration window.

    The search context does not change how the selected item is added to the Patient Administration window Results list. All found items are added to the list as a full patient-record-chart tree, that is, items in the Results list always include available parent- and child-level information for the found record.

  8. If necessary, click the Find Patient Records button again and repeat the search process to add additional items to the Results list.