Move Records - HL7 Module - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 22.1

Patient Administration allows you to manually move medical records to another existing patient or charts to another existing medical record.

To move a medical record or chart:

  1. Use the search functionality to add both the item you want to move and the item to move the first into to the Results list of the Patient Administration window. See Find Patient Records for information on how to search for records.
  2. Click the Move button. The Move Patient Records dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the Source list, expand the tree to the appropriate level and click once on the item you want to move.
    After clicking on the source record, some items in the Target list are grayed out. Those indicate invalid target items. For instance, if a chart is selected as the move source, the medical record the chart is already under cannot be the target of a move, and neither can items of the same or lower level.
  4. In the Target list, click once on the item you want to move the selected source item into. Expand the trees if necessary, and make sure the item is not grayed out.

    The target of a move must be one level higher than the selected source item. That is, medical records can only be moved to patients, and charts can only be moved to medical records. Patient records cannot be moved.


    When moving a medical record to another patient, any charts under that MRN are also moved.

  5. Click the Begin Move button to move the selected item.