Before you begin configuring message template, take note of the following requirements and restrictions:
HL7 is an established standard. The specification for the HL7 standard describes available message fields and the requirements for message construction.
Adding or changing segment IDs can adversely affect the outcome of the HL7 message. Ensure you understand the consequences of altering messages before creating, deleting, or changing segments.
If you need to remove or add segments to a message template, first copy the message template to customize, and then make changes to the copy. Never remove segments from a system message template.
CAUTION:When OnBase is upgraded, all segments that were originally assigned to a system message template are reassigned. If you customized a system template, this behavior may cause the template to contain duplicate segments. Copied message templates are not altered when the database is upgraded.
If inbound or outbound Keyword Values contain special characters, such as escape characters defined by the message, OnBase will decode or encode these characters using standard HL7 substitutions. See Escape Sequences.