Inbound - HL7 Module - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 23.1

The following predefined variables are available to identify information in inbound HL7 messages:

  • $$DICOMACCESSIONNUM- The accession number for DICOM study images.

  • $$DICOMPATIENTAA- The MPI Assigning Authority for DICOM study images.

  • $$DICOMPATIENTID- The patient ID for DICOM study images in a GE Enterprise Archive server. This variable is used by the DICOM Integration for GE.

  • $$DICOMSERIESUID- The series UID for DICOM study images in a GE Enterprise Archive server. This variable is used by the DICOM Integration for GE.

  • $$DICOMSOPINSTANCEUID- The Service Object Pair (SOP) Instance UID for DICOM study images in a GE Enterprise Archive server. This variable is used by the DICOM Integration for GE.

  • $$DICOMSTUDYUID- The study UID for DICOM study images.

  • $$DICOMSTUDYKEY- The DICOM study key is no longer used.

  • $$DOCDATE- A date associated with the document. The Advanced Document Import, External Transcription and Deficiency Processing, and the DICOM Processor message actions can use this value as the OnBase Document Date.

  • $$DOCEXTERNALID- The external document ID of a transcription belonging to a chart. Some import processes can use this value to create revisions of transcriptions.

  • $$DOCEXTERNALSYSTEM- The external system which issued the external document ID. This variable stores the external system as the assigning authority for $$DOCEXTERNALID. A $$DOCEXTERNALID variable must be configured in the same field as $$DOCEXTERNALSYSTEM, and only a single $$DOCEXTERNALSYSTEM variable can be configured.

  • $$DOCNUMBER- The document handle.

  • $$DOCREVDATE- The revision date on the transcription document.

  • $$DOCTYPE- This variable is used by several message actions to identify the Document Type for storing new documents.

  • $$FILEDATA- This variable is used by the Advanced Document Import processor. It indicates where the file data is located in an incoming HL7 message.


    If the $$FILEDATA predefined value is not assigned to a field in the template, the HL7 Listener extracts file data from the OBX.5.1 field.

  • $$FILEEXT- This variable is used by the Advanced Document Import processor. It indicates where the file extension string is located in an incoming HL7 message.