Outbound - HL7 Module - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 23.1

The following predefined values are available for use in outbound messages sent by OnBase.

  • $$CLINICALLYRELEVANTDATE- The configured clinically relevant date for the Document Type. For information on configuring clinically relevant dates, see Configuring Clinically Relevant Dates.

  • $$CLINICALLYRELEVANTTIMESTAMP- The configured clinically relevant date for the Document Type with the time included. For information on configuring clinically relevant dates, see Configuring Clinically Relevant Dates.

  • $$CONTROLID- The Control ID is an identification number in the header of an HL7 message. The number starts at 1 and increments for every message sent by OnBase. The number reverts back to 1 when OnBase is restarted. The receiving system echoes this ID back to the sending system in the message acknowledgment segment (MSA).

  • $$CONTROLIDTS- The timestamp followed by the Control ID, which is defined above. Use this value to replace $$CONTROLID(usually in the MSH.10 field) if applications receiving HL7 messages from OnBase require a unique value in the Message Control ID field.

  • $$DATE- The current date.

  • $$DOCBATCHNUM- The batch number of the document.

  • $$DOCCREATOR- The user name of the document's creator.

  • $$DOCCREATORNUM- The user number of the document's creator.

  • $$DOCDATE- The Document Date.

  • $$DOCINSTITUTIONNUM- The document institution number.

  • $$DOCNUMBER- The document handle.

  • $$DOCSTOREDATE- The date stored.

  • $$DOCSTORETIMESTAMP- The date stored with the time included.

  • $$DOCTIMESTAMP- The Document Date with the time included.


    If the HL7 message needs to provide an accurate timestamp for the document, use the $$DOCSTORETIMESTAMP value. Do not use the $$DOCTIMESTAMP value, which may result in the message being sent with a timestamp of midnight. Because the Document Date can be different from the date the document was stored, the time portion of the $$DOCTIMESTAMP value is unreliable.

  • $$DOCTYPE- The Document Type. If this value is not configured, the $$FILEEXT value will be used to find an appropriate mapping.

  • $$DOCTYPENUM- The Document Type number.

  • $$EPICFACDOCNUMBER- A document identifier that includes both the document handle and the system's facility ID as defined for Epic integrations (under Utils | External Systems). The value is sent in the format <Facility ID>.<document handle>, For example, if the current system's Facility ID is ABC, then document #101 would be identified as ABC.101. This identifier overrides $$DOCNUMBER if it is found in a message template.

  • $$FILEDATA- The embedded data of a document. This can only be used on a single field in the template. Embedded file data is encoded using base64.


    Base64 encoded documents can only be sent in outbound messages generated via a batch import process or Workflow.

  • $$FILEEXT- The extension for the file(s) being sent in the message.

    $$FILEEXT can be used without enabling $$FILEDATA as well. When used standalone, the file extension for the first file of each rendition of the latest revision gets populated into the configured field, component, or sub-component.

    Values repeat if multiple renditions exist for the latest revision (ex: |tif~pdf|).

    Note: $$FILEEXT must only be configured once per segment, otherwise unexpected behavior may occur when sending outbound messages, such as preventing document data from being sent in the outbound messages.
  • $$MESSAGETYPE- The Message Type.

  • $$PROCESSINGID- Predefined in MSH.11, the Processing ID of an HL7 message is sent as either P(production), D(debug), or T(test). To specify the Processing ID value for a Message Type, select the corresponding option from the Message Type's HL7 Message Settings dialog box in the Configuration module (under Medical | HL7 | Message Templates | Settings).

  • $$SEGMENTSETIDINCREMENTED- The Set ID in a repeating segment. This value allows the Set ID to be incremented automatically for each repeated instance of the segment. It is used for messages sent by the GI Capture and Reporting module.

  • $$TIMESTAMP- The date and time the HL7 message was sent.

  • $$TRIGGER- The document handle of the document that triggered the outbound message.