AutoFill Keyword Sets Error: Multiple Keysets Found - HL7 Module - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard - Essential

HL7 Module

HL7 Module
Foundation 23.1

When the HL7 Back-end Job Processor runs, the following error may be logged to the Automatic Document Update Processor or the Diagnostics Console:

Found {Count} instances of Autofill Keyword Set Type {AutoFillKeywordSetTypeId} with search values {SearchKey} for job {JobId}

This error indicates the HL7 Back-end Job Processor could not update AutoFill Keyword Set values on documents, because it found more than one AutoFill Keyword Set with a matching primary Keyword Value. As a result, the documents using the primary Keyword Value are not updated with the new AutoFill values.

If you are using HL7 to create or update AutoFill Keyword Sets that allow multiple AutoFill Keyword Set selection, then you must set up the import process and message templates to use secondary search keywords. Secondary search keywords uniquely identify AutoFills when a primary Keyword Value is not unique. See Using Secondary Values to Differentiate AutoFill Keyword Sets and AutoFill Keyword Set.

If your solution should not allow AutoFill Keyword Sets to have the same primary, then the AutoFill Keyword Set or HL7 import process may be improperly configured. Contact your first line of support for assistance.