When populating an outbound message, OnBase uses the Keyword Values from the document that triggered the message. These values may differ from the values expected by the receiving application.
To ensure the values in the HL7 message match the values expected by the receiving application, do the following:
- Create an HL7 translation table to map the document Keyword Values to the values expected by the receiving application.
- Configure the associated message template field to use the translation table when sending messages.
For example, suppose the receiving application expects patient sex values in the format U, M, or F. However, the documents in OnBase have Keyword Values of Unknown, Male, or Female.
In this case, you can create a translation table mapping U to Unknown, M to Male, and F to Female. Then, assign the translation table to the patient sex field in the message template, and select the Sending option. With this configuration, if a document has patient sex value of Male, the field in the outbound message will be populated with M.
Translation tables also can be used for filtering and manipulating values on inbound messages. For more information about translation tables, see Translation Tables.