Patient Allergy Information - Healthcare Form Manager - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Healthcare Form Manager

Healthcare Form Manager
Foundation 22.1

Use allergy tags to display allergy information for a patient. The following allergy tags are available:

Allergy Tag



Displays a comma-delimited list of the patient's allergies. Users can click any allergy in the list to open the Allergies dialog box and view the patient's allergy information. If no allergies are recorded, the phrase No Allergies Listed is displayed.


Displays each recorded allergy followed by its date recognized. Each allergy is displayed on a new line. If no allergies are recorded, the phrase Allergies not recorded is displayed.


Displays the View All link, which users can click to open the Allergies dialog box and view the patient's allergy information. If no allergies are recorded, no value is displayed for this tag.


Displays the phrase Known Allergies if the patient has any allergies recorded in OnBase. If no allergies are recorded, the phrase Allergies not recorded is displayed.