Patient Death Indicator - Healthcare Form Manager - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Premier

Healthcare Form Manager

Healthcare Form Manager
Foundation 22.1

To display the word Deceased for patients designated as deceased, use the following tag:


The death indicator is displayed in the banner only if a patient has been marked as deceased by the OnBase HL7 module. The indicator is not displayed if the patient has not been marked as deceased.

To configure the HL7 module to mark patients as deceased:

  1. Assign the Patient Death Indicator chart data field to an HL7 field.

    Ensure this HL7 field provides a value only when a patient is deceased. Any non-null value in this HL7 field will indicate the specified patient is deceased.

  2. Configure one of the following HL7 message actions to process messages containing the patient death indicator. These message actions mark a patient as deceased when a message provides a non-null value for the death indicator.
    • Medical Records Chart

    • Patient Record Processor

    For more configuration information, see the HL7 module reference guide.