Chart URLs use query string parameters to retrieve the appropriate chart or MPI for form assignment. Chart URLs are ideal for integrations where query strings are generated dynamically based on the user's current context in an EMR system.
If a single matching chart is found, then the assigned forms context is displayed upon login. Users can begin reviewing or assigning forms without manually searching for the chart.
If multiple matching charts are found, then the chart search context is displayed upon login. The search results list is populated with all matching charts, allowing the user to identify the chart to use for form assignment.
The following is an example of a Form Packets URL for a specific chart:
If Force Uppercase Alphanumeric Data Fields is disabled in Medical System Settings, make sure the parameter values reflect the correct case on the record or chart. For example, a query for MPI e201 would not retrieve MPI E201. If the Force Uppercase Alphanumeric Data Fields setting is enabled, then cases do not matter.
To create a Form Packets URL for a specific chart: