This following applies to both Terminal Cross-Referencing and Terminal Screen Scraping.
An ID string is a designated area of text that makes one page of the terminal emulation window unique from any other page that might be viewed. ID Strings can be edited or added by completing the following steps.
- To access the ID Fields dialog box, click the Configure ID Fields button from the Terminal Emulation screen tools box.
- If you selected the ID string from the Select Mode (line, block, select text) before clicking Select/Create Page, the X Position, Y Position, Length, and String fields should already be entered into their designated edit fields.
- If you need to edit the ID string, you can change the positions from inside the ID Fields dialog box.
You can type the changes/create new ID string by hand. Type in the coordinates of the each of the following:
Edit Field
X Position
Horizontal page position of the first character of the ID string. This number can be determined by counting columns across the width of the page (left to right) up to and including the first character of the string.
Y Position
Vertical page position of the first character of the ID string. This number can be determined by counting rows down the length of the page (top to bottom) up to and including the first character of the string.
Text of the ID string. (Note that the ID string is case sensitive).
Number of characters that comprise the height of the keyword. If there are multiple keywords, enter a number that will comprise many lines of text and select Get Keywords Clicked by User.
- After you have finished configuring the ID Fields dialog box, click Save.
- You should now click Configure Action Fields to continue configuring terminal cross-referencing or terminal screen scraping.