Integration with Glink Configuration & Set Up Instructions - Host Enabler - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Host Enabler

Host Enabler
Foundation 23.1

This document describes how to set up OnBase Cross-Referencing for GLink host emulation. The GLink host emulation window is not directly displayed with an OnBase session. OnBase communicates with GLink via the OnBase API, therefore OnBase and GLink will be running in two separate windows.

The first step for the GLink configuration is to set up Glink so it will run the necessary scripts to communicate with the OnBase API. The GLink integration will have a .ZIP file that contains 2 scripts (LoadMenu.SCR and DoubleClick.SCR), a DLL, and a text file.

LoadMenu.SCR is used to add the right-click menu option. This script must be run every time GLink is started. There are 2 ways to run a script at startup.

The first way would be to run GLink from the command line and add the /s switch.

It would look something like this: gl.exe /s loadmenu.scr.

The other way to run a script at startup is to place the /s switch in the GLWINOPT environment variable in windows.

If a startup script is already being run on the machine, it will be necessary to have to add the LoadMenu script code to the current one. This is because GLink can only run 1 startup script. The LoadMenu.SCR only contains one line. So if the machine is running a startup script simply add this line to that script and it should work. The extension may need to be changed from .scr to .txt in order to view the scripts.

Once this is done, simply place the DoubleClick.SCR file in the same directory as the startup script. The default directory where GLink checks for scripts is the one that also contains the GLink executable (gl.exe). Unless you have customized this, that is where both files should be placed. Also place the obglink.dll in the same directory as the GLink executable.

In the Configuration module, since a terminal window has to come up for configuration, just use the File Communication Link to bring up a demo screen. The file that it opens is called Term_In.Log and should reside in either your OnBase Temp directory or your root directory (in most cases C:\ ).

Once the demo screen is up, configure the terminal emulator for cross-referencing like you would for any other emulation except, rather than highlighting the areas on the emulator, you will need to fill in the values manually by referring to your GLink screen that you are configuring.

Once everything has been properly installed and configured, the cross-referencing should work: Once you have GLink and the OnBase Client open, you can simply highlight the word you want to cross-reference in GLink and right click. There should now be an option labeled cross-reference. Clicking this option should automatically activate the cross-reference and bring up the OnBase window with the results.