The Communications Port is the connector or port where the serial cable will be plugged into on your computer.
The Handshake Type is the way in which the host computer and your computer will communicate the readiness to receive more data. The handshake type used by your computer must be the same as the host computer handshake type.
The Baud Rate is the speed of communication used by the host computer and your computer. The baud rate should be set as the same for both your computer and the host computer.
Parity is a way of checking for errors by adding an extra bit to each character transmitted. The extra bit is the result of a calculation performed for each character. If the bit is not set correctly, it is a sign that the data may have been corrupted and should be sent again. This setting should be the same for your computer and the host computer. It is usually set to None.
The Data Bits option is usually set at 8. Eight bits is equivalent to one byte, which is equivalent to a single character.
Stopbits are used between each typed character. A way of communicating the end of one typed character and the beginning of the next typed character. For synchronization purposes, the stopbit settings for your computer must match the stopbit settings on the host computer.
Enter the string that will automatically set up your modem in the Modem Initialization String text box.
The default phone number that the modem uses to reach the host computer should be entered in the Phone Number to Dial text box.
When the Connect on Startup check box is selected, OnBase will use the modem to automatically dial the default phone number below when the terminal window is accessed.