System Interaction - Host Enabler - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Host Enabler

Host Enabler
Foundation 23.1

Host Enabler functions in conjunction with the existing OnBase system. The keyword types and document types assigned to OnBase for screen scraping and cross-referencing must be valid. Removal of a keyword type used for cross-referencing from the document type will cause the cross-reference to cease functioning. Also, the cross-referencing capabilities will always be restricted by the user's security. If the user cannot retrieve the document type, the cross-reference for it will not function for them. This is useful if a cross-reference is set up for multiple document types and the user should only see a subset of those documents.

As with all retrievals, the workstation requires access to the document's storage location for retrieval.

Users must have the appropriate privileges for Host Enabler. In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups / Right s. Click Privileges. Select Host Enabler under the Client Based Products.