Configuring Additional Keyword Type Mappings - Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor

Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

Field mapping configuration is the process of mapping field tags, or XML tags, from an exported HxC document .xml file to OnBase Keyword Types for indexing upon import. Field mappings must be configured prior to running an HxC Import Processor process.

Within a typical HxC export package, the document .xml files are located in the ..\documents folder. To configure the correct XML tags and attributes, it is recommended you have these .xml files open side-by-side with the OnBase Configuration module.

Additional XML information that can be mapped to an OnBase Keyword Type is typically listed within the <FieldValues> element in the .xml file, as shown in the following image:

To configure field mappings:

  1. In the OnBase Configuration module, select Import | HxC Import Processor . The HxC Import Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. From the HxC Import Processing Format list, select a process for which you want to configure the process field mapping for and click Field Mappings. The Import Processor Configuration is displayed.
  3. From the Document Type list, select the Document Type you want to configure field mappings for and click Field Configuration. The HxC Field Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Map any additional Keyword Types with information listed within the <FieldValues> element of the document's .xml file. Note the following:
    • Only one instance of a Keyword Type can be used in an HxC field mapping configuration.

    • Ensure that each HxC field and its mapped Keyword Type are of a similar data type, format, and character length. If imported data from an HxC field does not match the expected format of its mapped Keyword Type (such as being inconsistent with Keyword Type masking or exceeding the Keyword Type's maximum length), data may be truncated or fail to import. Review the batch's Verification Report for any warnings or import errors.

    • Each Keyword Type selected must have a unique set of XML mapping values configured. The same combination of XML mapping values applied to one Keyword Type cannot be applied to different Keyword Types.

    See the following configuration fields:

    Configuration Field


    Keyword Type

    Below the Keyword Type column, select an OnBase Keyword Type to map from the drop-down list.


    You cannot use a Keyword Type that is already used to map the HxC Batch ID in the HxC Process Field Configuration dialog box.

    XML Tag

    Below the XML Tag column, enter the XML tag to map to the selected Keyword Type.


    The maximum amount of characters allowed is 255.

    For example, within the <FieldValues> element, the XML tag is the first entry in a new line. In the following example, the XML tag is FieldValue:


    <FieldValue ID="Account Number ID" Name="Account

    Number" Value="010101" DataType="Alphanumeric" />


    XML Attribute

    Below the XML Attribute column, enter the XML attribute to map to the selected Keyword Type.


    The maximum amount of characters allowed is 255.

    Within the FieldValue tag, the XML attribute is the label of the value indicating the name of the Keyword Type. In this example, the XML attribute is Name:

    <FieldValue ID="Account Number ID" Name="Account Number" Value="010101" DataType="Alphanumeric" />

    XML Attribute Match

    Below the XML Attribute Match column, enter the XML attribute to map as the name of the OnBase Keyword Type.


    The maximum amount of characters allowed is 255.

    For example, within the FieldValue tag, the XML attribute match is the value of the Name attribute. In this example, the value is Account Number:

    <FieldValue ID="Account Number ID" Name="Account Number" Value="010101" DataType="Alphanumeric" />

    XML Keyword Attribute

    Below the XML Keyword Attribute column, enter the XML attribute that is used to map as the Keyword Value for the OnBase Keyword Type.


    The maximum amount of characters allowed is 255.

    For example, within the FieldValue tag, the XML Keyword attribute is the attribute containing the Keyword Value. In this example, the attribute is Value:

    <FieldValue ID="Account Number ID" Name="Account Number" Value="010101" DataType="Alphanumeric" />

  5. Click Add. The selected OnBase Keyword Type and XML information is added to the list of configured field mappings.

    The Add button is only available when all required configuration fields for a given OnBase Keyword Type are filled.

  6. Repeat the previous steps to complete field mapping for all necessary Keyword Types.
  7. When all Keyword Types are mapped, click Close.