Configuring Default Keyword Type Mappings - Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor

Hyland Experience Capture Import Processor
Foundation 22.1

When importing documents into OnBase from an HxC export package, you must map several default Keyword Types to information from an HxC document's .xml file. These default Keyword Type mappings identify the documents and files within the export package and are required for an HxC Import Processor process to run successfully.

The .xml files for each exported document are typically located in the ..\documents folder of the HxC export package.

The following procedure explains how to configure these default Keyword Type mappings:



>>Document Type

Identifies a document that has already been assigned a document class by HxC during capture, and maps that document class to a specific OnBase Document Type.

Note the following:

  • >>Document Type is for documents that have already been classified in HxC.

  • If more than one Document Type was assigned to a HxC Import Processor process, each >>Document Type default Keyword Type must have a unique set of XML mapping values.

>>HxC Scan Document Type

Identifies a document that has not been classified by HxC during capture. For example, the document may have been scanned using HxC but not indexed or classified.

The document is imported into OnBase using a Document Type configured for unclassified HxC documents, but it can be changed to a specific Document Type as part of the indexing or re-indexing process within OnBase.

Note the following:

  • >>HxC Scan Document Type is for unclassified HxC documents.

  • Only one Document Type in your OnBase system can be mapped to >>HxC Scan Document Type.

>>File Name

Identifies the PDF file exported from HxC to be imported into OnBase.


You can map both >>Document Type and >>HxC Scan Document Type within the same Document Type, if you expect to import HxC packages containing both classified and unclassified documents into the same Document Type.

To configure default Keyword Type mappings:

  1. In the OnBase Configuration module, select Import | HxC Import Processor . The HxC Import Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. From the HxC Import Processing Format list, select a process you want to configure the process field mapping for and click Field Mappings. The Import Processor Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Document Type list, select the Document Type you want to configure field mappings for and click Field Configuration. The HxC Field Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Map the Document Type to incoming documents by configuring default Keyword Types on the Document Type to correspond to information from the .xml file. Do the following:
    1. Below the Keyword Type column, use the drop-down list to select one of the following default Keyword Types, depending on whether the documents being imported have already been classified:



      >>Document Type

      Select for classified documents, which have already been assigned a document class in HxC.

      >>HxC Scan Document Type

      Select for unclassified documents, which have not been assigned a document class in HxC. Once imported, the documents can be changed to a different Document Type as part of the indexing or re-indexing process within OnBase.


      Only one Document Type in your OnBase system can be mapped to >>HxC Scan Document Type.


      You can map both >>Document Type and >>HxC Scan Document Type within the same Document Type, if you expect to import HxC packages containing both classified and unclassified documents into the same Document Type.

    2. Below the XML Tag column, enter the XML tag associated with the Document Type within the .xml file. For example, in a typical .xml file, the XML tag that denotes the Document Type would be DocumentClass, as highlighted in the following image:
    3. Below the XML Attribute column, enter the XML attribute within the XML tag associated with the name of the Document Type.
      When mapping the XML attribute, you can map either the Name or ID attribute in the .xml file. For example, in a typical .xml file for a document, the Name and ID attributes of the DocumentClass tag are highlighted in the following image:

      For unclassified documents, the Name and ID attributes still exist, but their values are empty. Enter either Name or ID into the XML Attribute column the same as you would for a classified document.

    4. For a classified document, below the XML Attribute Match column, enter the value of the XML attribute that you just associated with the name of the Document Type. For an unclassified document, skip this step, as the XML attributes are empty for unclassified documents.
      For example, as highlighted in the following image, if the Name attribute is associated with the name of the Document Type, then the value of that attribute would be ValidateFullProcessFlow:
    5. Click Add. The document mapping is added to the list above.
  5. Map the >>File Name default Keyword Type to the information from the .xml file.
    1. Below the Keyword Type column, select the >>File Name default Keyword Type from the drop-down list.
    2. Below the XML Tag column, enter the XML tag associated with the File Name of the exported document within the .xml file. For example, in a typical .xml file, the XML tag that denotes the file name of the document would be ExportedFile, as highlighted in the following image:
    3. Below the XML Attribute column, enter the XML attribute within the XML tag associated with the file name of the exported document. For example, in a typical .xml file, the XML attribute that denotes the file name is FileName, as highlighted in the following image:
    4. Click Add. The file name mapping is added to the list above.
  6. Map additional Keyword Types with information listed within the <FieldValues> element of the document's .xml file. See Configuring Additional Keyword Type Mappings.