The Link Account/Organizations screen in Costpoint affects which Org values are available for selection while coding an expense line in the GL Coding control.
An Org value must be linked to account(s) in the Link Accounts/Organization screens in Costpoint in order for an Org code to be displayed in the Org search control or to be considered valid while entering an expense line manually. This assumes that the account value has been entered already on the expense line. It limits the Org values that are available for selection.
The system date must be within the Account/Org combination period of performance. If the FY Start and/or End dates are empty, the system does not enforce period of performance.
The Account/Org combination in Costpoint must be active for it to be available for use in the Org field.
If the Org value is entered on an expense line before an account, the system returns all active Org codes in the Account/Org groups.