General Terms - IAConnect - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external


Foundation 22.1
2-Way Matching

For purchase order transactions. Two way matching compares the voucher amount against the remaining balance of the purchase order line.

3-Way Matching

For purchase order transactions that require items to be received. Three way matching compares the PO quantity, accepted quantity (or received quantity, if configured), and vouchered quantity.


Represents where in the General Ledger the charges are associated (for example, Expense, Labor, Non-Labor, Revenue, Accounts Receivable, etc.). Each account has an ID format of yy-yy-yy with a maximum of 15 characters.


The person who is responsible for turning the approved requisition into a purchase order and working with the vendor to fulfill the request.

General Ledger (GL) Coding

The process of applying the appropriate charge codes to an invoice document.


Payment request by an outside vendor.


An ID code for a part, good, or service that is purchased.

Labor Categories (GLC, PLC)

Labor Categories are a method for tracking hourly rates for contract billing.

  • General Labor Category (GLC): The employee's internal labor classification.

  • Project Labor Category (PLC): The employee's external labor classification as related to a project or contract.


Each level of the project ID represents different parts of the contract.


An ID code that can be used instead of the item code for one-off purchases or generic purchases.


Allows an organization that has multiple legal entities to share the same Costpoint database to improve combined reporting to the parent company. Each legal entity may have multiple projects and organizations within the company and may share common General Ledger accounts.


International organizations may do business in different currencies from the company. Costpoint allows the tracking of a variety of currencies and exchange rates.

  • Transactional: Transactional currency is used to engage in a specific transaction such as purchasing or Accounts Payable. For example, Yen.

  • Functional: Functional currency is the currency the company maintains their company accounting in. For example, all US companies use USD.

  • Rate Group: Currencies that are grouped together that could represent a region or some other commonality to make maintenance easier.

  • Rate by Date: Currency rates may fluctuate daily or often where the need to calculate rates for a specific date is required.

  • Rate by Period: This allows the ability to maintain exchange rates for currencies that do not fluctuate as quickly.

Organization (Org)

Represents who is performing the work, company, region, department etc. Each Org has an ID format of z.zz.zzz with a maximum of 25 characters.


Represents a contract with a customer and all of the delivery orders and tasks that are associated with the contract. Each project has an ID format of xxxx.xxxx.xx.xxxx.xxxx (for example, 040.44.0032.001) with a maximum of 30 characters.

Project Account Group (PAG)

A group of accounts linked to a project. When a project is used only accounts that belong to that project's account group may be charged. Accounts must be active within the account group as well as the overall system to be used.

Project Classification

A system-defined, mandatory reporting element linked to a project that can be used by the rules engine for routing options.

Project Type

A user-defined, mandatory reporting element linked to a project that can be used by the rules engine for routing purposes.

Purchase Order (PO)

Purchase offer issued, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services.


The person who initiates the request for the purchase of goods and/or services.


A request for the purchase of goods and/or services.


The person who does the data entry for the requisition.


The person or organization to whom a payment is made for services performed or goods received.


A transaction that records payment for vendor invoices or any payment that is not related to payroll.