Account Fields Rules - IAConnect - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external


Foundation 22.1
  • Use a hyphen to delimit the levels if an account number has more than one level. For example, the account number 508-20 contains two levels: level one is 508, and level two is 20.

  • The account must be part of the PAG (Project Account Group) for the project number selected and marked Active in the PAG.

  • The Active check box must be selected in the Maintain Accounts screen in Costpoint General Ledger for this account.

  • The Detail check box must be selected in the Maintain Accounts screen in Costpoint General Ledger for this account. You cannot charge accounts unless they are marked as Detail.

  • If the Org Code field is already populated on the line being entered, then the account entered must have a link established already to the Org Code in Costpoint.

  • Period of performance dates also control whether the account is eligible for selection. If the system date is out of the period of performance range, then the account is considered inactive.

  • Blank fields for period of performance indicate that there is no performance date restriction.

  • When you set up a PAG in Costpoint, it impacts which accounts are available when entering an expense line. If a project is entered, the accounts that are associated with this project in the PAG are displayed by default in the account look-up control.

  • An account may be set to inactive for a specific PAG and still be active for charging in other situations. If the project and account entered exists as a combination in this PAG and it is marked as inactive, even though he account is active, it can't be used. The account won't show up in look-ups and validations either.

  • See the section Customer Configurator Settings for GL Coding for more information on how to set up the proper IAConnect configurations to support these rules.

  • See the section Costpoint Configurations for GL Coding for more information on how to set up the proper Costpoint configurations to support these rules.