The Taxable Code is used to indicate whether the line is taxable or not.
The user may use the drop-down list to select the appropriate value. These values are configured and read in from Costpoint.
The valid values are:
S = Sales Tax: The vendor has included a tax amount on the invoice and that amount is included in the invoice total.
U = Use Tax: The line expense is taxable, but the vendor is not authorized to collect that tax. This tax amount is accrued to a specified tax account in Costpoint and is not part of the invoice total calculation.
N = Non-Taxable: No tax calculation is performed.
If using the older generation flat file Costpoint PO Voucher preprocessor, these values are populated from the Purchase order line and cannot be edited and are limited to N or S. Use Tax is not a valid option for this preprocessor.
In using the newer generation Costpoint Web Integration Console processors to pass PO vouchers, these values may be edited.
For non-PO vouchers, the values may always be selected.
This field is mandatory.