Manage Project User Flow - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1

The Manage Project User Flow setup screen in Costpoint affects which Project Numbers, Accounts, and Orgs are available for selection while coding an expense line in the GL Coding control. Labor setup is supported for any level of the project.

  • Active: The project must be active and allow charging in Costpoint before it is displayed in the project search control in IAConnect.

  • Account Group: Represents all accounts that can be charged to the project. This filters what is displayed in the account look-up and what is considered to be valid if manually entered.

  • Limit | Accounts: Provides further limitation for the accounts which can be charged to the project. This filters what is displayed in the account look-up and what is considered to be valid if manually entered.

  • Limit | Organizations: Limits organization codes that may be charged to the project. This filters what is displayed in the Org look-up and what is considered to be valid if manually entered.

  • Default to Owning Organization: Once the project is entered on an expense coding line, the Org code defined as the Default to Owning Organization populates automatically in the Org field of the same expense line.

  • Project Work Force Required: If the Project Work Force Required option is selected, when entering an expense line with labor, then the PLC codes drop-down list derives its values from the labor tables in Costpoint. If the Project Work Force Required option is not selected, then the PLC drop-down list does not show any values.

  • Use Top Level Work Force: If the Use Top Level Work Force option is selected, the GL Coding control derives the PLC values and the Vendor Employee values from the top level of the project setup. The Use Top Level Work Force option can only be selected if the Project Work Force Required option is selected.

  • Define Rate Sequence tab: The Define Rate Sequence tab may be used to identify the workforce Source Project if not using the Top Level or the Charging level project ID.

    • Rate Table field: Bill code must be PC to provide the appropriate PLC codes for the vouchering process if using the Rate Sequence Table.