Installation and Configuration - IAConnect - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 23.1

This section provides the instructions for installing the IAConnect Voucher Posting integration components on a Costpoint Web Logic Server. These components allow AP and PO voucher data to be posted directly to a Costpoint 7 system. The installation involves configuration of both Costpoint and IAConnect software modules.


It is assumed that the Costpoint Web Integration Console version 7.0.1 or higher has been installed properly and is fully operational.

The following steps are required to complete this installation. Each step is explained in detail in the sections that follow.

  1. Run the installer to deploy all the cod Run the Installer Run the Installer e (Run the Installer).
  2. Copy the template files from the Release Package to the Costpoint Import Service. For existing installations, only the relevant template files must be manually copied (Copy the Template Files).
  3. Import the export modules provided with the release package (Import the Export Modules).
  4. Build and deploy the imported Costpoint modules (Build and Deploy).
  5. Configure the Docs for Deltek Web.config file by updating the configuration entries (Configure the Docs for Deltek Web.config File).
    1. Costpoint connection information
    2. Template file locations
    3. IAConnect web services URLs
  6. Configure the Import Services Web.config file by updating entries related to Costpoint Import Web Services URLs (Configure the Import Services Web.config File).
  7. Test the integration modules(optional) (Test Integration Modules (Optional)).